What can be done to ensure core integrity?
The core strength is directly connected to the quality of the fiberization obtained in the hammer mill: the fewer level of knots (non-defibrated pulp), stronger the core. Another factor that contributes to improving core strength is increasing product compression by a small reduction in the calendar/embossing rolls distance. Additionally, products with wrapped core shows have better integrity. Finally, adjust in the use of adhesive may mitigate any additional issues. Eucafluff Technical Support team have large experience in dealing with core integrity.
Can a product be made purely of Eucafluff?
Yes, several pet pads and underpads on the market are already made purely of Eucafluff. There are also successful cases of 100% application of Eucafluff in feminine hygienic and incontinence products. Currently, we don’t advise Eucafluff as the single pulp component in infant and adult products without wrapped cores. In this case, our recommendation is a pulp blend composed of 50% Eucafluff.
Is it possible to reduce absorption time?
The use of an ADL (acquisition layer) greatly improves product absorption time. For products that already feature this component, the difference in penetration time between the use of a hardwood and softwood fluff may be quite small; especially considering we are talking about a variation of only a few seconds which is not noticed by the product’s end consumer.
How can I apply Eucafluff in two pulp cores?
As converting process and product design greatly influences the application of Eucafluff, several factors must be considered. Eucafluff has been applied blended with long fiber in the top or bottom core for several products. However, there are cases with other combinations, as 100% on top or bottom core as well as on both cores. Eucafluff technical support team must evaluate the process and product design to define the best application condition.
What are the advantages provided by Eucafluff?
As hardwood fibers are shorter, the fluff core has narrow void spaces that increases capillarity, allowing liquids to disperse further from the insult (urine) strike point. As a consequence, there is reduction in rewet (dry skin sensation) and more efficient use of the product core area. Additionally, Eucafluff allows increased core compressibility without losing its flexibility and comfort. This also results in thinner and more discreet products as well as the reduction on primary and secondary packaging. As more bales fit into a truck for transportation, logistics costs can be reduced.
Does hardwood absorb less fluids?
There are different absorption measurements for fluff. The Scandinavian (Scan 33:80) standard method develops to measure absorption capacity of fluffed long fiber pads considers the volume of liquid between the fibers absorbed by capillarity under load. However, the usual test (ISO 11948) on the finish hygienic product measures the free swell absorption capacity, that is the total amount of simulated urine the product can absorb. Also important for the finished product is the retention capacity, measured by centrifugation of the soak product after the ISO test, and an indicator from the product capacity to withhold liquid. Although by the Scan 33:80 method Eucafluff has lower absorption capacity gram by gram, finish products containing Eucafluff tested by the ISO method indicate the same free absorption capacity as products with long fiber. In addition, retention results for products with Eucafluff in the core are higher than long fiber ones due to the physical-chemical properties from eucalypt fibers. The short length generates narrow void spaces between fibers, making less liquid escape from core. As a consequence, besides increasing retention, there is also a reduction in rewet (dry skin sensation).
Is it possible to use Eucafluff in an enveloped panel/wrapped core?
Yes, it is possible and recommendable. Products with wrapped core show good core integrity conditions. For 100% Eucafluff application in incontinence products, the combined adjust of product compression and adhesive amount must be considered to mitigate any issues.
Why does the existing package become less tight when Eucafluff is used?
Due to the short length and width of eucalypt fibers and reduced void spaces, the core with Eucafluff may be thinner. Furthermore, Eucafluff core accepts higher compression without losing its softness. The level of reduction in the thickness depends on the product design, process adjust and amount of Eucafluff used.
Why is it necessary to place the Eucafluff always in the same position at the hammer mill?
Eucafluff sheet is softer than traditional long fiber fluff sheets. To maximize fiberization quality in the blend application when feeding both pulps in the same inlet of the hammer mill, Eucafluff shall receive the second hit from the knives. As softwood absorbs a good part of the applied energy, Eucafluff’s fiberization is less aggressive and takes place without the occurrence of pulp knots.
Why do we need to adjust the mill breaking bar when using Eucafluff?
Due to the short fibers from eucalypt, Eucafluff pulp sheet is thinner than the traditional long fiber fluff. Adjusting the breaking bar from the hammer mill to fit the softness and thickness properties of Eucafluff pulp improves fiberization quality on 100% applications. Also, Eucafluff application together with softwood in the same hammer mill inlet may require breaking bar adjust as the total thickness changes to 1.3 to 1.6 mm.
How can the feed rate be adjusted with the application of 100% Eucafluff and its blend with softwood?
As for any other pulp, the adjust in the feed rate is related to the final product weight specification. When applying the blend with long fiber, it will be necessary to reduce the feed rate according to the final product weight.
Is Eucafluff a biodegradable fiber?
Biodegradable products are a term that refers to products that can be decomposed by the action of microorganisms in up to 180 days, so that the organic matter generated from this decomposition can be assimilated back to nature. In tests conducted internally, Eucafluff completely decomposes in about 105 days, which means that the biodegradability of the fiber has been attested.
Is Eucafluff a sustainable product?
Yes. Eucafluff is a renewable raw material, made from 100% sustainably managed forests. The extraction of eucalyptus fibers used in Eucafluff consumes 83%3 less water than long fiber extraction during its forestry phase (from planting to harvesting and wood transportation), while also presenting a positive CO2 balance. Eucafluff has the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council® – FSC-CO10014) label and the PEFC® Cerflor Certification (Brazilian Forest Certification Program), being manufactured with reforestation wood. Eucafluff’s life cycle analysis also showed that the product’s better environmental aspects are not restricted to wood production. Compared to the fluff produced in the US southeast, Eucafluff has shown significant improvements in environmental impact per ton throughout the entire production chain: a 36% reduction in water consumption, 35% less fossil fuel consumption, and 31% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
3. Values based on the “Partial Life Cycle Assessment” study for greenhouse gases enects and water consumption when comparing Suzano’s Eucalyptus extraction cycle to the American Pine Wood extraction cycle, considering the same production base